StepUp SP3323 Fuel Tank Dehumidifier

Brand: StepUp
Description: Type: additive, vehicle type: buses, trucks, cars, motorcycles, application: fuel system, additive specification: dehydrators, action: engine protection during cold start
Additional Information: Designed to remove moisture from the fuel tank in order to prevent interruptions and engine failures.
Application area: Fuel system
Type: Additive
Compound: More than 30%: isopropanol; more than 5% but less than 15%: ethyl acetate; less than 5%: combustion catalyst
Vehicle type: Buses, trucks, cars, motorcycles
Mode of application: Pour the composition into the tank and fill it with fuel. Apply in autumn, winter and spring - once every two months, regardless of the mileage. The packaging is designed for 40-60 liters of gasoline / diesel fuel.
Action: Protection of the engine at cold start-up, protection against corrosion
For gasoline: Yes
For diesel fuel: Yes
Additive specification: Dehydrators