CHEVROLET Tahoe, Silverado 2007-2014, HUMMER H2 2008+, 10 Incar RCV-FC230

Description: Type: frame, size: 10", 2 DIN, for head unit, car model: Chevrolet Silverado, Chevrolet Tahoe, car model year: 2007, car model year: 2014
Additional Information: The transition frame is designed to install a 10.1 radio with a mounting size of 250:241x145mm instead of the standard multimedia
Type: Frame
Compatibility: CHEVROLET Tahoe, Silverado 2007-2014
Size: 10, 2 DIN, for head unit
Automobile model: Chevrolet Silverado, Chevrolet Tahoe
Car model: Chevrolet, Hummer
Starting year of car model: 2007 years
End year of the car model: 2014 years