Description: |
Number of LAN ports: 48, base data transfer rate: 1 Gbit/s, network standards: IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree, IEEE 802.1p Priority tags, IEEE 802.1q VLAN, IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree, Jumbo Frame
Number of LAN ports: |
Device type: |
Network standards: |
IEEE 802.1d Spanning Tree, IEEE 802.1p Priority tags, IEEE 802.1q VLAN, IEEE 802.1s Multiple Spanning Tree, Jumbo Frame
Basic baud rate: |
1 Gbit/s
Internal Bandwidth: |
336 Gbit/s
Number of uplink/stack/SFP ports and modules: |
Maximum speed of uplink/SFP ports: |
10 Gbps