Change history for item: AMD AMDSPORTBD5131 AMD. SPORT. BD5131_ brake front! perforated with groove\ Hyundai Tuscon 2.0/2.7/2.0D 04>

  1. Donny Darko 12 March 2024 03:35:32
    1. Create: Description #27184747
      Value: Car model: TVR Tuscan
    2. Create: Automobile model #27184748
      Value: TVR Tuscan
    3. Create: Preview image #22832106
  2. Donny Darko 09 March 2024 18:56:02
    Name: AMD AMDSPORTBD5131 AMD. SPORT. BD5131_ brake front! perforated with groove\ Hyundai Tuscon 2.0/2.7/2.0D 04>; Catalog: Brake discs