Change history for item: Electrical wire PV-1 Single-core 0.5 mm, 4 m

  1. Donny Darko 10 November 2023 20:56:22
    1. Create: Description #26936717
      Value: Cable product type: Electric wire, cable type: PV-1
    2. Create: Brand #26936718
      Value: Indefined
    3. Create: Type of cable product #26936719
      Value: Electrical wire
    4. Create: Cable type #26936720
      Value: PV-1
    5. Create: Image #22682447
    6. Create: Preview image #22682448
  2. Donny Darko 09 November 2023 15:05:35
    Name: Electrical wire PV-1 Single-core 0.5 mm, 4 m; Catalog: Cables and wires for construction and repair