Change history for item: Strip GOLD B312T 70x420mm with Velcro without holes, 5 pcs/pack. Golden, P400

  1. Donny Darko 05 November 2023 04:23:01
    1. Create: Width #680722
      Value: 70
    2. Create: Description #26449857
      Value: Type: sheet, purpose: hand sanding, length: 420 mm, width: 70 mm, grit P: 400, backing: paper, with Velcro
    3. Create: Brand #26449858
      Value: Sunmight
    4. Create: Type #26449859
      Value: Sheet
    5. Create: Purpose #26449860
      Value: Manual grinding
    6. Create: Length #26449861
      Value: 420 mm
    7. Create: Grain P #26449862
      Value: 400
    8. Create: The basis #26449863
      Value: Paper
    9. Create: The presence of Velcro #26449864
      Value: There is
    10. Create: Image #22321819
    11. Create: Preview image #22321820
  2. Donny Darko 25 October 2023 12:28:17
    Name: Strip GOLD B312T 70x420mm with Velcro without holes, 5 pcs/pack. Golden, P400; Catalog: Sanding sheets for grinders