Change history for item: Wi-Fi router MikroTik NetMetal 5 RB922UAGS-5HPACD-NM

  1. Donny Darko 09 August 2023 01:02:23
    1. Create: Description #9483435
      Value: Device type: router, Wi-Fi device frequency range: 5 GHz, port speed: 1 Gbps, connection type: Wi-Fi, max. wireless connection speed: 866 Mbps
    2. Create: Communication type #9483436
      Value: Wi-Fi
    3. Create: Device type #9483437
      Value: Router
    4. Create: Frequency range of Wi-Fi devices #9483438
      Value: 5 GHz
    5. Create: Max. wireless connection speed #9483439
      Value: 866 Mbps
    6. Create: Routing #9483440
      Value: NAT
    7. Create: Port speed #9483441
      Value: 1 Gbps
    8. Create: Smart Home Communication Protocol #9483442
      Value: Ethernet
    9. Create: Image #9874904
    10. Create: Preview image #9874905
  2. Donny Darko 03 May 2023 22:55:41
    Name: Wi-Fi router MikroTik NetMetal 5 RB922UAGS-5HPACD-NM; Catalog: Wi-Fi and Bluetooth network equipment