Change history for item: ac ABB GJL1213009R1106

  1. Donny Darko 31 July 2023 01:47:10
    1. Create: Description #5925995
      Value: Type: magnetic starter/contactor of change. current ac, type of control voltage: AC altern., Rated. slave. current Ie at AC-1, 400 V: 50 A, Rated slave. current Ie at AC-3, 400 V: 32 A, Number of aux. normally closed NC contacts: 1, Qty.
    2. Create: Brand #5925996
      Value: ABB
    3. Create: Type #5925997
      Value: Magnetic starter/contactor change. current ac
    4. Create: Control voltage type #5925998
      Value: DC constant
    5. Create: Rated slave. current Ie at AC-1, 400 V #5925999
      Value: 12 A
    6. Create: Rated slave. current Ie at AC-3, 400 V #5926000
      Value: 8.5 A
    7. Create: Auxiliary quantity. normally open NO contacts #5926001
      Value: 1
    8. Create: Number of normally open NO power contacts #5926002
      Value: 3
    9. Create: Rated we commute. power at AC-3, 400 V #5926003
      Value: 4 kW
    10. Create: Rated control supply voltage Us const. DC min #5926004
      Value: 48 V
    11. Create: Image #7885768
    12. Create: Preview image #7885769
  2. Donny Darko 02 May 2023 19:06:56
    Name: ac ABB GJL1213009R1106; Catalog: Starters