Change history for item: Retainer MAZ of the lock of a door left clip N/A OAO MAZ 6430-6105037

  1. Donny Darko 29 July 2023 00:09:59
    1. Create: Description #5819810
      Value: Car model: MAZ-6430, installation location: left
    2. Create: Automobile model #5819811
      Value: MAZ-6430
    3. Create: Installation location #5819812
      Value: Left
    4. Create: Image #7793327
    5. Create: Preview image #7793328
  2. Donny Darko 02 May 2023 18:19:20
    Name: Retainer MAZ of the lock of a door left clip N/A OAO MAZ 6430-6105037; Catalog: Other car body parts