Change history for item: Mixell E014-9 with mixing unit without pump 1 HP, 9 outlets 3/4 Eurocone

  1. Donny Darko 07 September 2023 10:20:26
    1. Create: Description #18955250
      Value: Type: collector group, type of control: adjustable, type of connection at the outlet: threaded
    2. Create: Brand #18955251
      Value: Mixell
    3. Create: View #18955252
      Value: Collector group
    4. Create: Control type #18955253
      Value: Adjustable
    5. Create: Branch connection type #18955254
      Value: Threaded
    6. Create: Branch connection standard #18955255
      Value: Euroconus
    7. Create: Output connection connection type #18955256
      Value: Threaded
    8. Create: Input connection connection type #18955257
      Value: Threaded
    9. Create: Additional Information #18955258
      Value: Type: connection unit, Plumbing accessories, Radiator connection unit, set, purpose: radiator, valve mounting type: vertical, valve type: straight, valve type: straight, heat flow regulation
    10. Create: Image #18364382
    11. Create: Preview image #18364383
  2. Donny Darko 25 April 2023 04:44:00
    Name: Mixell E014-9 with mixing unit without pump 1 HP, 9 outlets 3/4 Eurocone; Catalog: Collectors for water supply and heating systems