ZeepDeep laptop Asus X756, X756U, X756UB, X756UJ, X756UQ, X756UV, X756U, X756, P756, X556, X556U, black without frame mountains. Enter

Equipment: Keyboard 1 pc.
Product color: Black
Description: Laptop manufacturer: ASUS, the presence of Russian letters
Type: Keyboard
Compatibility: Asus A556UQ, Asus F556U, Asus F556UA, Asus FL5900U, Asus K556UJ, Asus K556UV, Asus P756, Asus P756U, Asus P756UV, Asus R558UA, Asus X556, Asus X556U, Asus X556UA, Asus X556UB, Asus X556UF, Asus X556UJ, Asus X556UQ, Asus X556UR, Asus X556UV, Asus X756, Asu
Notebook manufacturer: ASUS
The presence of Russian letters: There is