Change history for item: -brush DELTA DL-0499R turquoise with black: 1000W, 2 us, rotation 360, cold air 12

  1. Donny Darko 22 August 2023 07:24:54
    1. Create: Description #15630993
      Value: Type: hair dryer, hair dryer power: 1000 W
    2. Create: Brand #15630994
      Value: DELTA
    3. Create: Type #15630995
      Value: Hair dryer
    4. Create: Hair dryer power #15630996
      Value: 1000 W
    5. Create: Image #12462299
    6. Create: Preview image #12462300
  2. Donny Darko 07 May 2023 18:58:54
    Name: -brush DELTA DL-0499R turquoise with black: 1000W, 2 us, rotation 360, cold air 12; Catalog: Hair dryers and hair dryers