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ZUBR 8 holes, Р180, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro base 35560-115-180
BISON P80, 125x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-125-080 Professional
BISON 150mm, 6 holes, P240, 5 pcs., abrasive paper 35350-150-240
BISON 125mm, 8 holes, P120, 5 pcs., abrasive paper 35350-125-120
BISON d 80x40 mm, P180, flap wheel, studded, 36604-180
BISON without holes, P600, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35561-115-600
BISON without holes, Р180, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35568-150-180
BISON P40, 150x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-150-040 Professional
BISON without holes, Р80, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro base35563-125-080
BISON d 30x15 mm, P100, flap wheel, on a hairpin d 3.2 mm; 36600-100
BISON 150mm, 6 holes, P180, 5 pcs, abrasive paper 35350-150-180
BISON P40, 180x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-180-040 Professional
BISON P60, 115x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-115-060 Professional
BISON 6 holes, P120, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro base 35566-150-120
BISON 6 holes, P100, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35566-150-100
BISON d 60x30 mm, P60, flap wheel, studded, 36602-060
ZUBR 8 holes, Р80, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35560-115-080
ZUBR 8 holes, Р320, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35560-115-320
BISON Abrasive for metal, for angle grinders, 230 x 6 x 22.2 mm, BISON, Master series, 36304-230-6.0
BISON d 30x15 mm, P60, flap wheel, on a hairpin d 3.2 mm; 36600-060
BISON d 80x40 mm, P100, flap wheel, studded, 36604-100
BISON without holes, P40, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro base35563-125-040
BISON P80, 150x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-150-080 Professional
BISON 8 holes, Р120, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35560-115-120
BISON 125mm, 8 holes, P240, 5 pcs., abrasive paper 35350-125-240
BISON without holes, Р180, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro base35563-125-180
BISON 8 holes, Р600, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35560-115-600
BISON Master flap face , type KLT 1, for angle grinders, P40, 150x22.2 mm, 36593-150-40
BISON d 80x40 mm, P60, flap wheel, studded, 36604-060
BISON P 120, Ø 20 x2.2x3.5 mm, 2 pcs., abrasive 35913
BISON 6 holes, Р180, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35566-150-180
BISON d 60x30 mm, P80, flap wheel, studded, 36602-080
BISON without holes, P1000, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro base35563-125-1000
BISON 150mm, 6 holes, P120, 5 pcs., abrasive paper 35350-150-120
BISON without holes, P120, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35568-150-120
BISON P60, 150x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-150-060 Professional
BISON 125mm, 8 holes, P80, 5 pcs., abrasive paper 35350-125-080
BISON d 60x30 mm, P180, flap wheel, studded, 36602-180
BISON without holes, Р320, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro base35563-125-320
BISON 6 holes, Р80, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35566-150-080
BISON d 80x40 mm, P120, flap wheel, studded, 36604-120
BISON 93x5x1000mm, P80, abrasive coating, foam rubber spool 35621-080
BISON 8 holes, Р60, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35562-125-060
BISON P24, 150x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-150-024 Professional
ZUBR 8 holes, Р320, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35562-125-320
BISON d 60x30 mm, P100, flap wheel, studded, 36602-100
BISON d 30x15 mm, P180, flap wheel, on a hairpin d 3.2 mm; 36600-180
BISON 100x68x26mm, P320, abrasive coating, foam spool 35621-320
BISON 125mm, 8 holes, P60, 5 pcs., abrasive paper 35350-125-060
BISON without holes, P600, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35568-150-600
BISON Ø 22x1.7x4.0 mm, abrasive 35919
BISON 240mm, faux fur polishing glove, 3598
BISON 150mm, 6 holes, P40, 5 pcs, abrasive paper 35350-150-040
BISON P60, 180x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-180-060 Professional
BISON P 120, Ø 20x2.2x3.5 mm, 2 pcs., abrasive 35914
BISON d 60x30 mm, P120, flap wheel, studded, 36602-120
ZUBR 8 holes, Р120, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35562-125-120
BISON without holes, P1000, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35561-115-1000
BISON d 50x20 mm, P180, flap wheel, studded, 36601-180
BISON without holes, P80, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro base 35568-150-080
BISON d 30x15 mm, P320, flap wheel, on a hairpin d 3.2 mm; 36600-320
BISON P 120, Ø 15.0x10.0x3.2 mm, L 45 mm, 2 pcs., abrasive on a stud 35910
BISON P60, 125x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-125-060 Professional
BISON Abrasive for metal, for angle grinders, 125 x 6 x 22.2 mm, BISON, Master series, 36304-125-6.0
BISON 150mm, 6 holes, P80, 5 pcs., abrasive paper 35350-150-080
ZUBR 8 holes, Р40, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35562-125-040
BISON P24, 125x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-125-024 Professional
BISON d 60x30 mm, P320, flap wheel, studded, 36602-320
BISON 8 holes, Р40, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35560-115-040
BISON 125mm, 8 holes, P40, 5 pcs., abrasive paper 35350-125-040
BISON 8 holes, Р180, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35562-125-180
BISON 150mm, 6 holes, P60, 5 pcs, abrasive paper 35350-150-060
BISON without holes, P100, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35568-150-100
BISON P80, 180x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-180-080 Professional
BISON P40, 115x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-115-040 Professional
BISON 6 holes, Р600, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35566-150-600
BISON without holes, P60, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35568-150-060
BISON d 50x20 mm, P80, flap wheel, studded, 36601-080
BISON P100, 115x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-115-100 Professional
BISON d 50x20 mm, P60, flap wheel, studded, 36601-060
BISON P100, 125x22mm, 5 sheets, fiber , for angle grinders 35585-125-100 Professional
BISON d 80x40 mm, P80, flap wheel, studded, 36604-080
ZUBR 8 holes, P100, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro base 35562-125-100
BISON 8 holes, Р80, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35562-125-080
BISON d 50x20 mm, P320, flap wheel, studded, 36601-320
BISON d 30x15 mm, P120, flap wheel, on a hairpin d 3.2 mm; 36600-120
ZUBR 8 holes, Р600, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro base 35562-125-600
BISON without holes, P40, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35568-150-040
BISON 6 holes, Р320, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35566-150-320
BISON without holes, P100, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35561-115-100
BISON d 50x20 mm, P120, flap wheel, studded, 36601-120
BISON d 80x40 mm, P320, flap wheel, studded, 36604-320
BISON 125mm, 8 holes, P180, 5 pcs., abrasive paper 35350-125-180
BISON without holes, P600, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro base 35563-125-600
BISON 6 holes, Р60, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35566-150-060
BISON without holes, P60, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35561-115-060
BISON without holes, Р320, 150mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35568-150-320
BISON without holes, P100, 125mm, 5 pcs., universal , made of abrasive paper on Velcro base35563-125-100
BISON without holes, Р180, 115mm, 5 pcs., universal , abrasive paper on Velcro basis 35561-115-180
BISON 93x5x1000mm, P180, abrasive coating, foam rubber spool 35621-180
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