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Enclosure KP 1056 for buttons IEC BKP10-6-K01
Housing KP 101 1st white. for push buttons IEC BKP10-1-K01
Switch LAY5-BK2365 for 2 positions green IEC BSW90-BK-2-K06
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 1000/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA10-6-1000-E
DIN rail heater 100W IP20 IEC YCE-HG-100-20
Cam switch PKP25-13 /U 25A off-on 3R/400V IEK
Switch ANCLR-22-3 for 3 fix. pos. cr. 1z+1p IEC BSW10-ANCLR-3-K04
Cam switch PKP63-13/U 63A for 2 positions off -incl. 400V IEK BCS23-063-1 1pc.
Cam switch PKP63-13/U 63A for 2 positions off -incl. 400V IEC BCS23-063-1, 1pc
Cam switch PKP63-13/0 63A for 2 positions off - incl. 400V IEC BCS13-063-1, 1pc
Cam switch PKP63-13 /U 63A off-on 3R/400V IEK
Cam switch PKP25-13/U 25A for 2 positions off on 400V IEC BCS23-025-1, 1pc
Cam switch PKP25-33/O 25A for 3 positions I-O-II 400V IEC BCS13-025-2, 1pc
Cam switch PKP10-11/O 10A for 1 position 0-1 400V IEC BCS11-010-1, 1pc
Cam switch PKP10-33/O 10A for 3 positions I-O-II 400V IEC BCS13-010-2, 1pc
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 200/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA20-6-0200-E
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 600/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEK IPA20-6-0600-E
Cam switch PKP25-13/K 25A for 2 positions off - incl. 400V IEC BCS33-025-1, 1pc
Cam switch PKP32-33/U 32A for 3 positions 1-0-2 400V IEK BCS23-032-2
Cam switch PKP10-13/K 10A for 2 positions off-on 400V IEK BCS33-010-1
Cam switch PKP63-33/U 63A for 3 positions I-O-II 400V IEK BCS23-063-2
Cam switch PKP32-12 /U 32A off-on 2P/400V IEK BCS22-032-1
Cam switch PKP10-11/O 10A for 1 position 0-1 400V IEK BCS11-010-1
Cam switch PKP32-22 /O 32A 1-2 2R/400V IEK BCS12-032-3
Cam switch PKP25-13 /O 25A 0-1 3R/400V IEK BCS13-025-1
Cam switch PKP25-33 /U 25A 1-0-2 3P/400V IEK BCS23-025-2
Cam switch PKP25-12/U 25A for 2 positions off-on 400V IEK BCS22-025-1
Cam switch PKP25-13/U 25A for 2 positions off-on 400V IEK BCS23-025-1
Cam switch PKP32-13 /O 32A 0-1 3R/400V IEK BCS13-032-1
Cam switch PKP25-22 /U 25A 1-2 2R/400V IEK BCS22-025-3
Cam switch PKP32-53/O 32A for 3 positions Uca-O-Uab-Ubc 400V IEK BCS13-032-5
Cam switch PKP10-22/O 10A for 2 positions 1-2 400V IEK BCS12-010-3
Cam switch PKP10-22 /U 10A 1-2 2R/400V IEK BCS22-010-3
Cam switch PKP10-33/U 10A for 3 positions I-O-II 400V IEK BCS23-010-2
Cam switch PKP63-22 /O 63A 1-2 2P/400V IEK BCS12-063-3
Cam switch PKP63-12/O 63A for 2 positions 0-1 400V IEK BCS12-063-1
Cam switch PKP32-13/K 32A for 2 positions 0-I 400V IEK BCS33-032-1
Cam switch PKP25-12/O 25A for 1 position 0-1 400V IEK BCS12-025-1
Cam switch PKP25-44/O 25A for 4 positions Uc-O-Ua-Ub 400V IEK BCS14-025-4
Cam switch PKP63-33 /O 63A 1-0-2 3R/400V IEK BCS13-063-2
Cam switch PKP63-13/U 63A for 2 positions off -incl. 400V IEK BCS23-063-1
Cam switch PKP10-53/O 10A for 3 positions Uc-O-Ua-Ub 400V IEK BCS13-010-5
Cam switch PKP63-11 /O 63A 0-1 1R/400V IEK BCS11-063-1
Cam switch PKP32-63 /O 32A Ic-O-Ia-Ib 3P/400V IEK BCS13-032-6
Cam switch PKP32-12 /O 32A 0-1 2R/400V IEK BCS12-032-1
Cam switch PKP32-11 /U 32A off-on 1P/400V IEK BCS21-032-1
Cam switch PKP32-44/O 32A for 4 positions Uc-O-Ua-Ub 400V IEK BCS14-032-4
Cam switch PKP63-13/K 63A for 2 positions 0-I 400V IEK BCS33-063-1
Cam switch PKP25-11/U 25A for 2 positions off-on 400V IEK BCS21-025-1
Cam switch PKP10-11 /U 10A off-on 1P/400V IEK BCS21-010-1
Cam switch PKP25-53/O 25A for 3 positions Uca-O-Uab-Ubc 400V IEK BCS13-025-5
Cam switch PKP63-22 /U 63A 1-2 2P/400V IEK BCS22-063-3
Cam switch PKP10-63/O 10A for 4 positions Ic-O-Ia-Ib 400V IEK BCS13-010-6
Cam switch PKP10-13/U 10A for 2 positions off -incl. 400V IEK BCS23-010-1
Cam switch PKP32-13/U 32A for 2 positions off-on 400V IEK BCS23-032-1
Cam switch PKP10-44/O 10A for 4 positions Uc-O-Ua-Ub 400V IEK BCS14-010-4
Cam switch PKP32-22 /U 32A 1-2 2R/400V IEK BCS22-032-3
Cam switch PKP63-11 /U 63A off-on 1P/400V IEK BCS21-063-1
Cam switch PKP32-33/O 32A for 3 positions I-O-II 400V IEK BCS13-032-2
Cam switch PKP32-11/O 32A for 2 positions 0-I 400V IEK BCS11-032-1
Cam switch PKP10-12 /U 10A off-on 2P/400V IEK BCS22-010-1
Cam switch PKP25-11 /O 25A 0-1 1R/400V IEK BCS11-025-1
Cam switch PKP10-33/O 10A for 3 positions I-O-II 400V IEK BCS13-010-2
Cam switch PKP10-13/O 10A for 2 positions I-O 400V IEK BCS13-010-1
Cam switch PKP25-63/O 25A for 4 positions Ic-O-Ia-Ib 400V IEK BCS13-025-6
Cam switch PKP25-22/O 25A for 2 positions 1-2 400V IEK BCS12-025-3
Cam switch PKP25-33/O 25A for 3 positions I-O-II 400V IEK BCS13-0
Cam switch PKP25-33/O 25A for 3 positions I-O-II 400V IEK BCS13-025-2
Cam switch PKP25-13/K 25A for 2 positions off - incl. 400V IEK BCS33-025-1
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 3000/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEK IPA10-6-3000-E
Switch AKS22 with key. 1-0. 1p+1p IEK BSW10-AKS-2-K02
Switch LAY5-BD25 for 2 positions black I-O std. handle IEK BSW60-BD-2-K
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 1000/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEK IPA20-6-1000-E
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 300/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA20-6-0300-E
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 1500/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEK IPA10-6-1500-E
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 10A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA20-6-0010-E
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 400/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEK IPA20-6-0400-E
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 2000/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA20-6-2000-E
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 1500/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEK IPA20-6-1500-E
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 150/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA20-6-0150-E
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 2000/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA10-6-2000-E
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 100/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA20-6-0100-E
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 400/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA10-6-0400-E
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 1000/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEK IPA10-6-1000-E
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 200/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA10-6-0200-E
Ammeter E47 96x96mm 50A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA20-6-0050-E
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 50A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA10-6-0050-E
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 300/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA10-6-0300-E
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 600/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA10-6-0600-E
Switch ALC-22 for 2 positions black 1p+1p IEK BSW10-ALC-2-K02
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 150/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA10-6-0150-E
Ammeter E47 72x72mm 100/5A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA10-6-0100-E
Switches IEK Cam switch PKP25-13/U 25A for 2 positions. off-on 400V IEC BCS23-025-1
Ammeters IEK Ammeter E47 96x96mm 50A class. accurate 1.5 IEC IPA20-6-0050-E
Switches IEK Cam switch PKP10-11/O 10A for 1 position 0-1 400V IEC BCS11-010-1
Switch ANC-22-2 with fixation 2 positions I-O red neon handle
IEK switches PKP10-33/O 10A cam switch for 3 positions I-O-II 400V IEC BCS13-010-2
Switches IEK Switch LAY5-BG45 for 2 pos. with key. non-latching IEC BSW80-BG-2-K02
Switches IEK Cam switch PKP63-13/0 63A for 2 positions. off - incl. 400V IEC BCS13-063-1
Cam switch PKP63-13 / U 63A off-on BCS23-063-1
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