
701. Group "Propellers - General Specifications"

1. Screw diameter String X
2. Number of blades String X
3. Number of splines String X
4. Compatible motor manufacturer String X
5. Screw pitch String X

702. Group "Rowing machines - Weights and dimensions"

1. Folded Height String X
2. Folded length String X
3. Folded size WxD String X
4. Working dimensions LxWxH String X
5. Folded dimensions WxHxD String X
6. Folded Width String X

703. Group "Rowing machines - General characteristics"

1. Traction type String X

704. Group "Rowing machines - Optional" X

705. Group "Rowing machines - Programs and functions"

1. Connecting to a computer String X
2. Programs String X
3. Color monitor String X

706. Group "Rowing machines - Specifications"

1. Location of the pacemaker String X
2. Adjustment of structural elements String X

707. Group "Rowing machines - Dimensions and weight"

1. Working dimensions WxHxD: String X

708. Group "Rowing machines - Detailed specifications" X

709. Group "Heating cable and accessories - General characteristics"

1. Built-in thermostat String X
2. Ready kit String X
3. Grounding String X
4. Number of cores String X
5. Linear power String X
6. Maximum circuit length String X
7. Maximum mounting temperature String X
8. Maximum working surface temperature String X
9. Minimum mounting temperature String X
10. Minimum bend radius String X
11. Shell String X
12. Suitable for pipe installation String X
13. Cable type String X
14. Shielding String X

710. Group "Heating cable and accessories - Optional" X